2. When using
Standard UV films, surface of film can be placed
with either side in or out.
3. Store the rolls of film
in a shady spot, on a flat surface, balanced and covered. It is recommended to
keep a sample piece of film with manufacturer's identification.
B. Preparation of Greenhouse Structure
1. Paint all metal and wood surfaces touching the poly with latex paint. Never use oil based paint.
2. Use straps at bows to stop waves from forming in the film.
3. Avoid film contact with any PVC plastic or vinyl. It can cause the film to slowly degrade. It is recommended to cover that part (PVC that will come in contact with the polyfilm) up with some extra polyfilm before putting the film on the greenhouse or paint the PVC with a white water-based latex paint or UV protective paint. Either one will work.
4. Smooth the surface of metal and wood parts that come in contact with the films and wrap with polyethylene tape (white or transparent that contains U.V.A.) over all protruding parts.
5. Clean gutters and install drainage pipes.
6. Use only repair tape recommended for poly film.
C. Film Size
Calculate film sizes as follows:
1. For greenhouse spans of up to 25 feet, add an additional 3.3 feet to span size.
2. For greenhouses spans over 25 feet, add an additional 5 feet to span size.
3. For tunnels, calculate an additional 5 feet for openings (for fitting into channels).
4. The length of the film will be approximately 16 feet longer than the greenhouse/tunnel.
5. For curtain walls calculate the height of the curtain walls with an additional 20"- 30" for supports; length should be the length of the greenhouse.